Archive for March 2013
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein
Ok so Alex told me I HAD to write a review on The Hobbit, but how on Earth do you write a review on something that has been read and loved by probably millions of people for YEARS?? I honestly don't know, so I decided to both review as well as talk about the differences between the first time I read it and this time around.
The first time around, I think I was in Middle School still and I think my brother was reading it for a class in High School or something and I wanted to read it too. I tried really hard to get through it, but honestly it was a huge struggle. I hated how much detail there was in everything and just couldn't get past some of the language and story. I am ashamed to say it, but I really don't think I was a very good reader back then. I hated the fantasy books because they made you have to create your own version of a world and you couldn't just rely on thing that you were already familiar with. I didn't like the Harry Potter books the first time through either and still have yet to read The Lord of the Rings. I am proud to say now that I think I am much better at reading. As most people who actually read this know, I love Harry Potter and everything about the HP Universe. I also have now given The Hobbit a second try and Loved it as well!
This time around I found the immense amount of detail wonderfully helpful in imagining the scenes and characters. I did have some help from the movie, but this movie did not cover even close to half of the book. To be honest I am surprised they are making it into 3 movies. I am guessing they will have to take a lot from other sources like The Silmarillion in order to fill out the last 2 movies. I am very excited regardless.
Okay, so I may have lied when I said I was going to incorporate some actual reviewing in here, but it is too hard. I think that anyone who loves getting caught up in another world will love this book and if you read it at a young age, like me, then definitely give it another chance. That goes for most fantasy genre books.